Our new stills are here.
If you have been following our progress over the last 12 years you will know we built our first set of stills, based around the principles of large surface area to volume ratio and choose a geodesic shape to achieve this. For our new distillery we turned to the professionals to make our new stills, in Scotland. Over 2 years of planning and design have finally arrived in NZ and today we are opening the box!
It was a nerve-wracking to watch our babies getting lifted from the containers. Here the Spirit still is gently removed on its skid.
One of the fork lift drivers looking at our spirit still and wondering.........
Fortunately the kit was beautifully packed buy Mark and his team at Speyside Copper Works and everything arrived in one piece.
Richard, our production manager looking particularly relieved. Ric looked after all the logistics in getting the stills from Speyside to Waiheke, no easy task in the middle of a pandemic. Now all he has to do is get them into the building. Watch this space.....